Spending Habits That Millennials Are Actively Avoiding And Why

Published on 10/23/2019

Fabric Softener

Fabric softener does what its name suggests. However, it seems like millennials are not buying the product because they are unsure about what it actually does. From 2007 to 2015, the sales for this item went down 15 percent. Washing machine technology has advanced over the years. On top of that, fashion brands have decided that they want to focus more on comfort, so there is no need to spend money on another product at the grocery store.

Fabric Softener

Fabric Softener


Traditional Gyms

Millennials are known to be health-conscious, so it seems surprising to hear that traditional gyms are on the decline. Don’t think that it means millennials are no longer working out. They just choose boutique gyms that offer CrossFit, Pilates, or kickboxing instead. The youth want to actually enjoy exercising!

Traditional Gyms

Traditional Gyms