He Went To Fetch The Cat Of His Elderly Relative But The Abandoned House Had A Secret…

Published on 05/17/2020

Hiding In The Dark

He got goosebumps when he flashed the light against the walls. What were these things, and how did they get there? And where could Siam possibly be? Paul looked at the walls but felt even more creeped out after noticing that part of the wallpaper was gouged out. What could have happened in this house?

Hiding In The Dark



His heart was beating very fast as he walked through the hallway. Quietly, he called out to the cat, “Kitty, kitty.” All of a sudden, he got the feeling that he needed to get out of the house as soon as possible. However, he was not going to leave that place if he did not have Siam with him. As you can see, he was a man on a mission.
