Dead Obvious Signs You Were In The Military

Published on 12/18/2018

Soldiers can easily pick out their fellow soldiers from the crowd. There is simply something telling about people who were in the military. They conduct themselves differently in public, though the differences are extremely subtle. If you ever served them in the military, take a look at these pictures and try to tell us you can’t relate!

Floor = Bed

Basic training might be, well, basic but it does teach us some highly valuable lessons. For soldiers, the floor is as a good a bed as many. However, it is pretty ironic that while they are not picky about where to sleep, they could still stand at attention in only a few seconds!

Floor Bed

Floor = Bed


Ironing Boss

Soldiers all know how to fold and iron clothes, particularly their uniform. It is simply a part of the job to look presentable as much as possible. A creased uniform is definitely a no-no.

Ironing Boss

Ironing Boss