These Strange, Yet Awesome Life Hacks Will Change How You Do Everyday Things

Published on 05/24/2022

You’ve come to the correct place if you’re always looking for new and better methods to solve life’s tiny difficulties, or if you simply enjoy efficiency and problem solving. Take a look at some of these cool, but possibly bizarre life hacks. Some of them might find their way into your every day life!

The Perfect Iced Coffee

On their website, Folgers has a great iced coffee hack: pour coffee into ice cube trays and freeze them. That way, anytime you prepare iced coffee at home, you won’t dilute it with ordinary ice cubes and would instead use the ones you created from coffee to enhance the flavor. It has a real impact, trust us.

The Perfect Iced Coffee

The Perfect Iced Coffee


Clean That Blender Properly

This suggestion from the YouTube channel List25 altered our lives forever, and it’s so simple. After you’ve finished using your blender, put some soap and water to it and blend it together before cleaning it in the sink. It makes cleaning your blender, which can be a pain, a lot easier, and it’s especially useful if you prepare a lot of smoothies or blended drinks.

Clean That Blender Properly