Everything Coming To Netflix January 2020

Published on 12/31/2019

With the change of the year brings exciting new changes and new years resolutions. A huge part of our life changes as well, as more content is added and taken away from our favorite streaming service Netflix. Despite the popularity of other services like Disney+ or Apple TV, Netflix remains number 1 and needs to protect its image by adding all of these impressive new films. But that’s not all, the number of original coming out will leave you completely speechless! Not only will it feature the premiere of Messiah or the return of Tiny House, but fans are shaking in their boots waiting for the long-awaited return of Sed Educations, which airs January 17! Get ready for a jammed pack Netflix month coming this January.

Everything Coming To Netflix January 2020


What The Love! With Karan Johar (2020)

The successful celebrity Karan Johar leads lonely and sad single individuals through guided mental and physical transformations, with the hopes of preparing them to enter the world of dating. Coming soon so get ready for some crazy makeovers.

What the Love! with Karan Johar (2020)