He Thought It Was The House Of His Dreams But It Was Actually A Nightmare

Published on 02/19/2020

Who Was There?

The chain was not only swaying from a gust of wind. No, there must have been someone there because the chain was moving with so much force. He turned around and headed back to the entrance as soon as he could. His heart was pounding as was his head by the time he got outside. He needed to talk to someone about what he just found, but who could he possibly tell this story to?

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Who Was There?


The First Call

He let himself catch his breath and then made a beeline for his house. Christopher figured out who he had to call before anyone else: his real estate agent. In detail, he explained what he just went through in that small but scary tunnel. The realtor said they would have someone come over to take a look at it as soon as possible.

The First Call

The First Call