The Most Dangerous And Deadliest Water Creatures

Published on 03/25/2021

Sea Slugs

Sea slugs are found in the ocean but also washed up onto shores and anywhere near the beachfront. They are deadly to dogs and can really affect children and adults too. The slugs slurp up and store deadly poisons or chemicals which originally came from their prey or anything they may eat. They then utilize whatever poison they may have stored at a later stage.

Sea Slugs


Fire Coral

Although they are called coral, fire coral is actually a member of the jellyfish family- they attach themselves to the coral. You can either get stung by their nematocysts or you can get scratched by the skeleton of the coral. The sting is felt instantly and has been said to burn just like a jellyfish sting. The skeleton can cut and scrape but it depends on how close you were and how hard one knocked the coral.

Fire Coral