Not Kid Friendly: Steer Clear Of These Dogs If You Have A Family

Published on 10/05/2020

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamutes have adapted to survive the cruelest conditions on the planet. Often bred for very cold and isolated environments, their survival skills are no joke at all. They have earned a pretty bad rep for attacking children and small animals. They can also be a pain to train, and it is going to be even worse when they sense that they have a weak owner. Lastly, asthma sufferers should stay away from this breed since they shed a lot.

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute



The Rottweiler is a dog breed best known for its strength and huge size. Bred for their prowess in the past, these dogs were often used for herding livestock and pulling small carts. These dogs might act violently in the presence of strangers thanks to their courageous and loyal nature. You will see that these dogs are normally used by security guards and the police. They like to play but can take it too far!

