After The Babysitter Sent Her This Photo, Worried Mom Knew That Her Instinct Had Been Correct

Published on 12/10/2020

Ideal Vs Reality

Lakeland was the name of the Floridian town that Claudia lived in. After only two months of being a mom, she earned a reputation as a protective mother. She hardly left her daughter alone and wished that they could remain this way for as long as she wanted. This was not the case since she still had to work. The office called her and asked her to go to a business meeting. She had no choice but to go, but what was she going to do about Ava? It was not like she could leave the poor child on her own.

Ideal Vs Reality

Ideal Vs Reality


A Mother’s Dilemma

After the call, she weighed the options that were right in front of her. None of them sounded very nice to her ears. Still, she had no choice but to go to the office if she did not want to lose her job. By then, she had already used up her maternity leave and sick days to look after her newborn child. She had to attend the meeting since she could no longer miss work. In the end, she made up her mind to look for a person who would take care of Ava while she was away.

A Mother’s Dilemma

A Mother’s Dilemma