Eight Surefire Exercises To Help Stop Snoring

Published on 07/26/2019

Jaw and tongue slides!

For this exercise you need to be comfortable repeating the same motion over and over again. Fortunately for these moves you can do them whenever you want and wherever you are at without anyone noticing. For the tongue slide you will want to close your mouth and then press your tongue against the back of the top row of your teeth. Slowly slide your tongue across the roof of your mouth and toward your throat, repeating the process over and over again for a total of three minutes. You don’t have to do all three minutes at the same time, but you can if you would like to. This exercise can be done anywhere at any time. Next up is the jaw slide. You will want to open your mouth and move your jaw all the way to the right. Hold the position for thirty seconds. Next up move your jaw to the left and hold it again for thirty seconds. Our last exercise that you can do in this area of your mouth is the ‘hanging ball’ contraction. Open your mouth and contract the muscle located at the back of your mouth repeatedly for up to thirty seconds. You should see your uvula bounce up and down. Repeat this process at least once before you go to bed at night.

Jaw and tongue slides

Jaw and tongue slides


General aerobic exercise!

Our final suggestion is for you to start incorporating some for om aerobic exercise into your life. Whether you want to just go jogging or begin lifting weights in a circuit training fashion, this will help improve your general health. Addressing your health as a complete unit, rather than bit by bit, can address problems you didn’t know you had. If nothing else, a long hard day of aerobic exercises will leave you ready to pass out at the end of the night. Aerobic workouts will also teach you how to breathe properly which can go a long way toward helping with snoring.

General aerobic exercise

General aerobic exercise