10 Diseases Causing Food You Must Avoid

Published on 07/25/2019

Fried Food

If it is fried it is probably delicious, but it is also likely very unhealthy. Any time that you are considering adding fried food to a meal, think again. Fried foods are loaded with excess sodium, fats, and empty calories. Not to mention the impact that fried food has on both your weight and your heart. Fried food can be linked directly to high blood pressure, obesity, and all of the related health risks that tend to show themselves in people exhibiting those problems. Overcooked meats also are nutrient deficient, despite their great taste. If you want some great food but don’t want to go all the way toward the fried section of the food chart, opt for ‘roasted’ instead. Roasted chicken can be a great compromise between both flavor and health.



Canned Food

It is hard to shake our head at the prices that canned foods can provide, but maybe we should start thinking with our health instead of our wallet. The issue with most canned foods isn’t typically related to the food themselves, but the container that they are stored with. The cans used to contain food are lined with a chemical called BPA, which stands for bisphenol-A. A study by the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that BPA can mess with the brain chemistry inside of rats. The FDA has even made note of the issue, which is a surprise, and now they are working toward phasing the chemical out completely. If you want the convenience of canned food without the chemical additions, look into learning how to can your own foods by using glass mason jars. Canning is a popular hobby and a great way to get your hands working in your kitchen. This is one of the best ways to take care of your diet: by overseeing the entire process yourself.
