Giraffe Woman Finally Takes Off Her Rings After Five Years Of Elongating Her Neck

Published on 10/13/2019

This woman had coils around her neck for years in order to elongate it, and when she finally takes them off, the results are unbelievable. What did she look like? Why did she do this in the first place? Read on to see what these neck coils did to her body!

Why They Use It

Anthropologists have discovered several reasons why people wear these coils. One theory was that they made the women from this tribe seem less attractive, which served as their protection from slavery. On the other hand, another theory suggested that it was the opposite.

Why They Use It

Why They Use It


For Beauty

In some cultures, both men and women wear these neck coils. It’s more common for women in most cases, but sometimes you will find men doing it as well. These coils are seen as a symbol of beauty. After a while of wearing them your neck will appear to be longer, but it’s not because your neck actually stretched, but rather because your collarbone has been pushed down.

For Beauty